When I first started the book, I had to fight off the crippling anxiety brought upon by the sheer plausibility of this happening. Even though it was published in 1985 - the world that Atwood created rings true today. Especially so given the current, often tumultuous, climate of the country/world. I mean - shit - Mike Pence probably gets off to the idea of Gilead... that is if he weren't a sexually repressed homophobic man who thinks gays should be shot... oh wait... that's exactly what they do in Gilead. Huh... strange. Where was I?
Oh, right - the book.
So... the book was absolutely worth reading. And having finished it - I've moved onto the Hulu series of the same name. And, for what it's worth, I think the series is a fantastic representation of the book. And I think I've only said that about...2? maybe 3 adaptations in the history of my book reading life (coincidentally - Altered Carbon also fits this category).