In 2012 - I was working as an audio engineer/backline tech for a pretty notable musical group. And one of their runs took me out to the West Coast for about a 3-week run up and down the coast. With the last show of the run being in beautiful San Diego... DURING COMIC CON!!!!
My selfie on the Con Floor
With Han Solo! |
A.J. and I had been planning a trip to that year's SDCC back in January of 2012... as a matter of fact we were going to buy our plane tickets and hotel room on January 8th... On the night of January 7th, we discovered that the Glump was upon us and quickly decided that being 7 months pregnant at Comic-Con would not be an enjoyable experience for anyone. So, when I found out I'd be in San Diego with work on that weekend, I was a little more than just pleased.
So... I arrived in San Diego on Thursday night for a load-in at the venue... before load-in, however, the production manager and I were given two seats to the San Diego Symphony's "Symphony of the Goddesses - A tribute to The Legend of Zelda". (for more info go here: ) And that was just an amazingly good time. Surrounded by SDCC attendees in full Zelda and Link cosplay while the Symphony played music from all of the Zelda games in time with videos and screen-caps of the games... it was, in a word, AWESOME.